Question: Axolotl eating plants


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Jan 23, 2019
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I’m pretty new to this site but slowly getting used to it.
I bought an axolotl a few weeks ago , it’s only months old.
Kept in an 18 gallon tank (cycled)
The day before yesterday my axolotl which I named momo ate some of the Marimo moss ball I put in the tank. After eating it his stomach became blue and kind of started bloating in seconds. I freaked out so much and didn’t know what to do so I contacted someone who owns axolotls.
They told me that the axolotl can digest it and it’ll just pass but I’m still kind of worried.
Today I fed momo (frozen bloodworms) and he ate it all but his stomach became more blue again. And he haven’t pooped ever since he ate the plant.
So I am worried and not sure what to do :/
Can you post a picture of Momo's belly? It could be stomach contents, or the liver. How long ago did it eat the plant? If it's been a few days without pooping you could fridge the axolotl as it could be impacted.
He ate the plant last Wednesday, since then I haven’t seen any poop
I was afraid of feeding him but I thought maybe it could help him so I fed him yesterday a bit
And yesterday he ate some more of the plant as well. He then stayed in one spot and didn’t move at all for about 10 - 15 minutes.
But now he’s just swimming and moving around like normal.

Thank you for replying to me !


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The colouring looks okay from what I can tell. That big blob I believe is the liver. The belly does look a little distorted which could be some impaction from the plants. I would remove the plant if the axie keeps eating it. Is he accepting food from you? Try fridging for a day or two (or until the axie poops) to help it along, I can attach the guide if you need it, otherwise it is on the sick axie page on this website. Alternatively, wax worms dipped in some olive oil is supposed to help digestion.
Good news!
Momo finally passed it all out.
And yes I removed the plant , he’s all better now and looking fine again.
He never stopped eating it’s his favorite thing to do CX
Thank you so much for replying to me ! ♡
Glad to hear! Wishing you and Momo the best :)
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