Axolotl doesn’t like bloodworms anymore?


New member
Apr 23, 2020
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United States
Hey, I need help with this.

I currently own a 3.5 month old axolotl (also about 3 inches long) that is currently housed in a ~.5 gallon container because the tank I have for him isn’t finished cycling yet. The temperature is typically around 64-68 degrees and I change the water every day. I normally feed him frozen bloodworms and fresh earthworm cut into pieces twice a day.

Lately, he’s been having periods where he’ll either not eat or eat very little. Usually if I change the water out and wait a little while he’ll eat, but then the next day I go to feed him and he’ll be a paler color and barely eat anything? When I change the water and wait he’s okay, but it wasn’t like this for the first month I had him. The last time I fed him, he basically refused the bloodworms but would eat the cut up earthworm.

Does he not like earthworm anymore? Am I feeding him too much? I know water quality is a big factor in health and overall wellness, that’s why I change it everyday (and because his container is so small). Is there any way I can improve this? I have frozen krill in the freezer but I’m saving that for when he’s older.

The second photo is from today. He’s doing well right now, I just don’t want to waste bloodworms because he won’t eat them!
Try Red Wigglers if you can find them. They have skinny ones he may like better.
Water temperature can effect feeding. Colder water slows metabolism, warmer water speeds it up (but water above 74 degrees can cause loss of appetite, stress and illness). So make sure he's in a cool spot with controlled temperature. Ideally the new water should be the same temperature as the water you are replacing, so it is not causing stress with temperature fluctuations. Being paler at times is not necessarily a bad thing, it can happen when they are less active. Also, they can develop food preferences.
If the tank you are cycling is at least 10 gallons just toss him in and let the tank cycle with him in. Do partial water changes. Switch from bloodworms to chopped earthworms or salmon pellets. You will have better luck than feeding it bloodworms in a tiny container.
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