Axolotl Curled Tail?


New member
Jul 30, 2018
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South Carolina
United States
I've had my axie for a little over two weeks and every now and then I will see his tail somewhat or slightly curled and then fully straight. Is this normal or not, if not how would I help him?

I have a:
20 gallon tank
20 gallon filter with a sponge under it to reduce water flow
20 gallon air pump with stone

and my water parameters seem to be fine.
As long as your axie is eating properly and swimming normally he should be fine :) usually a curled tail is a sign of stress, but only when it is constantly curled, not just curled ever now and then. Keep an eye on him for the next week or so though just to be sure, and if you see any more unusual behaviors let me know and I can try to help you out!
Can you post the water parameters, and water temp please? And a photo of the curled tail if you can. A curled tail is usually a sign of stress, but depending on the curl it could just be the way the axolotl is sitting. Is it the whole tail or just the tip of it?
The water temp usually stays around 68 degrees fahrenheit with maybe a 2 degrees range of variation, the ph is 7.6, ammonia is .25 ppm, and nitrate is .25-0ppm. I couldn't get a decent picture of the tail buut usually its just the tip if or maybe a little of the middle.
Work on cycling your tank and keeping the ammonia down.
But a decent rule of thumb is ... if the axolotl is eating, it's doing alright.
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