Axolotl Breeders in North Carolina

Dec 13, 2017
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North Carolina
United States
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I am looking for an axolotl breeder near Charlotte North Carolina, or someone who is willing to ship me an axolotl for a good price :happy: I won't be buying an axolotl for another three months or so, but after lots and lots of research, I knew for sure that I'd get one! I'll be a first time axolotl owner, so any tips would be great! Also, it would be wonderful if someone could recommend the best tank to buy for an axolotl. I found a twenty-nine gallon long tank at a petstore for a good price, but unfortunately it doesn't have a screened lid. Thanks so much!
Hi Isabella,
We are in Greensboro and have a batch growing at present. I can keep you updated if you are interested, just DM me. :talker:

Thanks so much! I'll let you know in a couple months if I am ready to buy one :)
Looks like you already found a possible breeder, but you should definitely check out the classifieds section of the site ---> Here! You can see what's being sold, traded, or sought after if you have something you want to sell in the future as well!
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