Question: Axolotl baby food?


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Sep 24, 2014
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Hello, Im in Australia and can't get any live Blackworms or Daphnia. I also don't know where to get baby brine shrimp from. I was wondering if I can feed it frozen bloodworms or live garden worms? Please help. P.S could I feed them Sea Monkeys?
Sea monkeys are almost always brine shrimp....

The newly hatched axolotls will only eat live food small enough to fit in their mouths. This is usually done with freshly hatched brine shrimp. You can order the brine shrimp eggs online for pretty cheap and look up how to hatch them.
Sea monkeys are almost always brine shrimp....

The newly hatched axolotls will only eat live food small enough to fit in their mouths. This is usually done with freshly hatched brine shrimp. You can order the brine shrimp eggs online for pretty cheap and look up how to hatch them.

Ok I'll look at the brine shrimp but if I cant get any sea monkeys are suitable?
They are the same thing. You will have better luck getting brine shrimp eggs in bulk rather than searching sea monkeys. Also I completely forgot to ask how large your axolotl(s) are? Newly hatched larvae eat brine shrimp but after a month when they are larger they can take other food.
I ordered them. So I haven't gotten them yet. But when they have literally just hatched is what I'm worried about.
so you ordered eggs or juvenile axolotls?
I've ordered eggs.
Oh, and how often should I feed them when they just hatch?
I've ordered eggs.
Oh, and how often should I feed them when they just hatch?

Axolotl hatchlings will not eat for the first 24-48 , because they are still digesting their yolks.
after that. you can begin to feed your babies 2-3 times a day on BBS, Baby Daphnia, Blackworms, or microworms.
Since you haven't raise baby brine shrimp (BBS) before, start practicing (with a small amount of eggs) before you need them. They say, like, 24-36 hrs to hatch, but that is temperature dependent. Some people buy those BBS hatcheries. Regardless, that will allow you to check out your BBS hatching set-up before you need them for the baby axolotls.

Note that you will probably want to keep two alternating batches of BBS going, since your babies would get pretty hungry during the 24-36 hrs it takes for a new batch to get going.

If you have too many BBS hatching for your axolotl babies (which is far better than too few), small tropical fish love them too.

A small quantity of eggs goes a long way. Refrigerate whatever you have left to keep them viable longer.

I usually decapsulate the BBS eggs, but you probably don't want to try that until you have more experience with them. Plus, if you are only using them for baby axolotls, decapsulating them (which makes them edible without hatching) doesn't have the advantage it does with fish fry, since axolotl babies won't eat them unless they are moving like living creatures.

Don't get intimidated by BBS - they are very easy once you have an appropriate set-up.
Ok then.
Ha, funny because I do have tropical fish as well! How did you know?!
How long without food till baby axolotls starve as well? ;)
Hello, Im in Australia and can't get any live Blackworms or Daphnia. I also don't know where to get baby brine shrimp from. I was wondering if I can feed it frozen bloodworms or live garden worms? Please help. P.S could I feed them Sea Monkeys?

You can buy Daphnia and Blackworms online. I normaly buy Blackworms and Daphnia at Live Fish Food or eBay.
Ok then.
Ha, funny because I do have tropical fish as well! How did you know?!
How long without food till baby axolotls starve as well? ;)
Typically, they go 24-48 hours without food after they first hatch, as they are still absorbing their yolk. (I think. That's the basic idea, anyway.)

HOWEVER, if you have issues with the brine shrimp hatching, like me, (temperature problems) don't worry too much. Mine started hatching 2/26 and made it until 3/3 evening without food. I had 207 live eggs. 4 died in the time without food. One was almost guaranteed to die, as it hatched curled up. I believe the water temp was around 60F-64F during that time period, but I'm not sure. I hope this could help!

EDIT: Aaand I just realized this post is very old. Sorry about that! I hope everything went okay for you.
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