Axolotl ate tank decoration- advice


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Dec 6, 2017
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United States
Today I noticed that several of the tentacles of this decoration (pic) were missing and I haven't found them anywhere around the tank.. I have to conclude that my axolotl ate them. They're eating normally although I haven't seen any solid pieces of poo so I'm not sure if they're pooping. Behaving totally normally as well. I'm just not sure what to do I'm very worried for them even tho they're acting fine, should I fridge them? The decoration is removed now it was stupid to have it in the tank as the first place because of course the tentacles look like worms to an axi. I feel tremendously guilty and not sure what to do from here


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Update- the axolotl is definitely pooping now, much messier than usual and at one point the "tentacle" was stuck dangling from her bum but she seems to have passed at least that portion. Still wondering if there's anything I should be doing for her to make things safer/more comfortable?
Oh no! Was it one of the big or small tentacles? Is it silicone? I would think it would be hard to eat, I caught my turtle trying to munch on a long bit of silicone once. That being said axolotls can do strange things. If you don't notice any poop for a week and they refuse any food you may want to fridge, but wait until you are sure. Check your filter in case it got sucked up.
It was a few of the skinny ones that are missing. Pretty sure it's silicone.
I didn't think anything of adding it to their tank because I had one in with my much more voracious/aggressive axolotl (that I can't even keep marimo with because she eats them) and she never was interested in it and when she bit it on accident going for food it didn't tear off.
I'm slightly reassured as she is pooping but still terrified about what it could be doing to her insides :/
It was a few of the skinny ones that are missing. Pretty sure it's silicone.
I didn't think anything of adding it to their tank because I had one in with my much more voracious/aggressive axolotl (that I can't even keep marimo with because she eats them) and she never was interested in it and when she bit it on accident going for food it didn't tear off.
I'm slightly reassured as she is pooping but still terrified about what it could be doing to her insides :/
I didn't see your other comment, I must have replied right as you were typing!
At least you know what happened. Try and keep track of how much of it comes out against how much is missing. The only thing that may help is fridging but I wouldn't do it unless they aren't pooping. Goodluck!
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