Hi Lisalee,
What beautiful plump axolotls you have! I am however a tad concerned about the use of the black and white gravel and round pebbles. It appears in some of the photos that these are actually small enough to be accidentally swallowed which can cause impaction. This is potentially fatal. I highly recommend you remove the gravel and pebbles and either leave your tank bare bottomed or switch to sand.
Bare bottomed tanks actually enhanced the beauty of your axolotls. They are also much easier to clean. If you wish to have a substrate, sand is safe and can still make your tank look attractive. Sand can also allow the axolotls to have something to grip on while 'walking'. Some people feel that having something to grip on reduces stress in axolotls but actually they do fine on a bare bottomed tank.
You might also like to consider adding a few hiding spots like pots, caves etc.