Hi guys. This morning I noticed my two axies swimming a bit madly around the tank - they usually like a good swim, but this seemed slightly frantic, and they were swimming near the top of the tank and climbing on the filter. They didn't seem happy.
I took a chemical reading and the ammonia level in the tank is at 0. All good. However, it's winter here in Melbourne now. During summer the temperature in the tank could reach up to about 24degC, although it usually averaged about 21-22degC. I'd read that this was too warm for axolotls, and that they thrived in temperatures of 14-18degC. Nonetheless, they've always been happy, they've eaten regularly, and never showed signs of stress, so I figured this temperature was fine and wasn't worrying them.
Now that's it's getting colder, I noticed the temperature this morning was at 18degC. I still thought that this should be fine, even though the water temperature has dropped considerably over the past three months - 18degC should still be fine for them. But they're not happy evidently, and one of them hasn't eaten for three days.
Any advice as to what could be making them behave this way, and what I could do about it?
I took a chemical reading and the ammonia level in the tank is at 0. All good. However, it's winter here in Melbourne now. During summer the temperature in the tank could reach up to about 24degC, although it usually averaged about 21-22degC. I'd read that this was too warm for axolotls, and that they thrived in temperatures of 14-18degC. Nonetheless, they've always been happy, they've eaten regularly, and never showed signs of stress, so I figured this temperature was fine and wasn't worrying them.
Now that's it's getting colder, I noticed the temperature this morning was at 18degC. I still thought that this should be fine, even though the water temperature has dropped considerably over the past three months - 18degC should still be fine for them. But they're not happy evidently, and one of them hasn't eaten for three days.
Any advice as to what could be making them behave this way, and what I could do about it?