Axi having a cut on his mouth ;(


Dec 25, 2022
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Recently I looked at my axolotl and uhm… he kinda has a cut on his mouth? It’s like a little piece of his skin attached to his mouth– so what I mean is when u cut paper like a triangle, but it’s still attached to his mouth. I tested the ph levels etc. and they seem to be good, so I think it’s a lower chance for him to get an injection, right? Anyways, my suspicion is that he either fought with his roommates- or he just scratched himself on something..

I can send photos if needed!
better to see pictures but most small wounds heal on their own without need for medications etc..
Recently I looked at my axolotl and uhm… he kinda has a cut on his mouth? It’s like a little piece of his skin attached to his mouth– so what I mean is when u cut paper like a triangle, but it’s still attached to his mouth. I tested the ph levels etc. and they seem to be good, so I think it’s a lower chance for him to get an injection, right? Anyways, my suspicion is that he either fought with his roommates- or he just scratched himself on something..

I can send photos if needed!
photos would be appreciated. if you think he may have any risk of an infection, i'd tub him and start tea baths. meth. blue is also a good option. check all tank decor for sharp edges, and remove//sand them down as needed. if you think it was a case of another axolotl biting him, you may want to consider separating them permanently
photos would be appreciated. if you think he may have any risk of an infection, i'd tub him and start tea baths. meth. blue is also a good option. check all tank decor for sharp edges, and remove//sand them down as needed. if you think it was a case of another axolotl biting him, you may want to consider separating them permanently
Thanks! I will send u photos soon since it’s night for me.. but I did check for some sharp edges and it seems like the rock might be a bit sharp, I will try removing that in the morning! Thank you for the advice :) also, I noticed he wouldn’t eat (he would spit his food out), could that be because of the cut?
photos would be appreciated. if you think he may have any risk of an infection, i'd tub him and start tea baths. meth. blue is also a good option. check all tank decor for sharp edges, and remove//sand them down as needed. if you think it was a case of another axolotl biting him, you may want to consider separating them permanently
Here is the photo! I’m sorry if u can’t see it clearly, he’s hiding right now 😅


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it doesn't look as bad as i had feared, but it is probably somewhat painful for him- which may be why he won't eat. i would tub him just in case, and start methelyene blue treatments to prevent any nastiness in his wound. keep offering him food consistently, and be sure that his temperature is stable
it doesn't look as bad as i had feared, but it is probably somewhat painful for him- which may be why he won't eat. i would tub him just in case, and start methelyene blue treatments to prevent any nastiness in his wound. keep offering him food consistently, and be sure that his temperature is stable
Thank you! But since I sadly don’t have methylyene blue at home, are tea baths an option?
Thank you! But since I sadly don’t have methylyene blue at home, are tea baths an option?
tea baths should work as an antifungal and to soothe the skin, yes. meth. blue is pretty cheap and you can find it in most aquarium stores, id recommended having some on hand :)
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