We've had a lot of different fish feeders over the years and I wouldn't do it personally for 4 main reasons.
1st - they are designed for granular foods and flake but flake can be a bit unpredictable and not fall in the same amount each time. They are simply not designed to take pellets the size of an axie pellet and even with the proper foods in there the dose can be anywhere from almost nothing to way more than you need
2nd - unless you go absolute top of the range and spend a few hundred dollars you will find they all feed twice a day every day. There are very few if any automatic feeders out there on the aquarium market that will allow you to program them to only feed once every other day or every 3 days but I'm not sure they even make one that will let you do that. Even if you do find one you will still face the first problem unless you get a hold of one for a commercial salmon farm sort of situation but they are very large and expensive
3rd is that most of the cheaper mechanical feeders are REALLY REALLY REALLY loud! They make me jump when they go off and vibrate like craze so I can only imagine how and axie will feel about it hanging off their tank :errr: and it would still leave you with problems 1 and 2
4th - is the result of problems 1 & 2

Over/under feeding and the absolute mess uneaten food in the tank for up to 10 days will make of your tank and the resulting water chemistry :uhoh:
You're better off feeding them up in the week before you have to leave them and give them some guppies or live shrimp to snack on while you're gone. Quarentine them first of course.
You'll find earthworms can live in water for a few days as well but you risk the axie not finding them and the dead worms making your water gross. :lame: