Are my newts TOO fat?



These guys are healthy eaters, I feed them earthworm hunks about every 4 days, temp is about 62-67 but usually is about 65. The dry one in the pic (Fridge) only ventures into the water every so ofton while the other (Creep) is in submersed ALL the time except at night, the two, usually room on the same rock. SOO are these guys tooo fat, or just healthy?

BTW fridge is the dry one, and creep is wet.

they do look quite fat

mine are uber skinny compared to your's
well as I said these guys are no strangers to food. As soon as I open the container they break their necks as they look for a worm. These guys are very smart, and seem to be more adaptive and have intelligence that I would never would have geussed. It seems I am quite lucky to have such a willing pair here (both males)most of the orientalis posts are "HELP THEY WONT EAT" but my guys are the exact opposite, funny. Good luck with your lil guy, Id say bring him over here but my guys might eat him, Sreously they snap at anything that moves.
Thats great, most cynops are not so willing, and will hesitate a while before eating anything, well, hope they stay healthy, and good luck!
Jacob, I would have to agree...Not too fat... Its better to have a fat newt than a skinny newt...
Do you only feed earthworms?
I think the worms cause them to be so fat as they contain a high percentage of fat (or so I have red).

In general it is advised to use food with high levels of fat as an extra rather than the main dish. I think you'd be better off with worms once in a month rather than twice a week. You might want to try mosquito larves or comparable food as main food.

I have no idea if these fat newts of yours are healthy or not. But in case you only feed them earthworms, you need to provide variation.

Joeri - I only feed my newts earthworms, as far as I know it is the best staple food around! I think you confuse earthworms with wax worms.

The only thing that should be given a thought is to feed the worms properly before handing pieces out to newts - I use oatmeal and extra Calcium.

Those are the biggest C.o. I have ever seen!
That must be similar to a human at 300 pounds

I am not sure how to judge if obesity is a problem in newts. What's the secret behind the good appetite?

Are these CB or WC?

(Message edited by Jesper on December 13, 2004)
Dunno! I am a college student and left all of my ballpythons, hognoses, geckoes and anoles at home, so I decided I wanted a dorm herp. I decided on these guys cause my room is always cool, and I dont have to worry about firecodes with heating. I picked these guys up at the local shop. The others in the tank where kinda scrawny, so I picked the biggest and the strongest.
If you got them at the pet shop, then they are almost definately WC.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Jesper Danielsson wrote on Monday, 13 December, 2004 - 11:25 :</font>

"I think you confuse earthworms with wax worms."<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

That mix-up must have happened a long time ago as I can't remember to have thought any other way. My newts will be happy to hear they can be fed earthworms more often
Can't tell sex from the photos...but could it be possible they are filling with eggs?

Anyway, those are far fatter than my animals...even while my female was carrying eggs. If you are worried you could cut the rations a bit and see what happens.
Maybe, Ill get some pix of I call it a cloaca? dunno, Ill get some pix up tomorrow.
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