aqua-terrarium build


New member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
United States
Display Name
Blake Diehl

i used greatstuff insulating foam

a rubber hose for a waterfall

some rocks

brown silicone and gravel, i covered the whole thing, this picture is just the start

then attach the filter to the hose, added a bunch of moss, (its the packaged moss but i'll get live stuff when the weather is better)

all i need are some water plants. then eventually my california newts will go in.
sorry to double-post but how do i get the actual images to show? i used img code...
There are 2 methods for getting the actual photos to show up in the thread:
(1) When you post a thread, click the "go advanced" and look for the "manage attachments" option, where you can upload images.
(2) Go to the Gallery section of the forum, and find the "upload" button and upload them to the appropriate section of the gallery. Then when you post a thread, you can choose them from the "images" menu (below the smilies).
Gorgeous set-up. Here's how to post images:

- Log in to photobucket.
- Scroll down to see your photos.
- Underneath each photo is IMG code at the very bottom with a box beside it. Click inside the box and the text will automatically highlight and copy itself to your clipboard (you can hit edit copy or ctrl+c to be sure, but it's redundant).
- Come into the Caudata forum and paste the image code. It should appear as such:


I would do it for you but I am not sure if I'm allowed to post someone else's photos. I understand that the rules are a bit more strict here regarding photos.






here we go.
Very niceley done Blake, in the future you could apply a layer of black silicone on the glass before applying the foam, so you won't see the yellow foam on the back if neccesary.
yes, your paludarium seems to be quite famous around here. :) it was the inspiration for mine... i thought about using silicone on the glass but the tank is oddly shaped so it fits in a corner, so no one would ever be able to see the back so i just didnt bother
I see the plastic tibing but how did you get the waterfall going? Is it a filter? Is the tank filtered?

Looks cool! I had wanted to do something like this but I like the tank to be as full as possible with water.
The tubing is attached to a Fluval 1 filter. Its just basically a sponge inside there, so i took it out and cut the foam into 3 sections and replaced the middle section with a mesh bag of activated carbon. its a good way to have chemical filtration without having to put a giant filter in that makes a lot of current. the newts aren't big fans of current and the waterfall helps diffuse it. its also a good way to keep the humidity up, though it does make the water level drop quickly due to evaporation.
How did you paint the landscape? How do you attach gravel, can it be done as the piece drys?
How did you seal the paintwork on the lower part of it? Did you paint it an use plastidip or something similar ?
It looks great. I hope it holds up for you because that's a very nice looking display tank.
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