Apuanus morphs how to keep them aquatic


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
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United States
All but one of my apuanus larvae are still gilled, still growing and eating voraciously in the water. They are 4.5 to 5 cm long now (see pics)

I do, however have one single morph, who is all land-based now and doesn't want anything to do with water. He's 4 cm long, so quite small. I put him in a plastic container with a small water bowl and moss and lots of fruit flies and white worms. I can't tell if he is eating, but he looks ok, though a bit skinnier than I would like.

As for the others, how can I convince them to stay aquatic after morphing? It would make feeding and growth much easier I guess...


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In the past I've given them a floating cork island to haul out on. Before long they give up on the island altogether and spend 100% of their time in the water. I've also tried with no cork and whilst they climb the glass occasionally they soon settle down in the water.

Either method works. Be sure to feed them in the water though - home is where the food is.
thanks Mark - if you go with no island, isn't there a chance they'll drown? Would some plants at the surface prevent that?
my apuanus juvies have a very small stone just above the water level (so it's very wet) to leave the water, they do sometimes but after a few days they enter the water again and stay there most of the time. Make sure the land area is not too dry so their skin doesn't change. Lot's of floating plants like elodea will be good too. Try to keep the temperature not higher than 20°C, if it gets too warm they will leave the water more likely.
thanks Fabian - I'll try that. I have a small mossy cork island and my temps are always cool; about 15 C (60 F) right now.
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