Anubias plant dying?


New member
May 30, 2018
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Chicago, IL
United States
Hi everyone,

I set up two anubias nana plants in my axolotls tank last week, and one of them completely died. It basically fell apart in these moist, slippery pieces and some of the leaves fell off. The other ones looks fairly healthy.

Is there something wrong with my tank that might have caused this? Can whatever is wrong be affecting my axolotl?
Check your water parameters and temperature first. Do you have any light on your tank? And how are they attached in your tank, planted or anchored on something?
I've been checking them every few day since the tank is still cycling. Water temperature seems to be about 67 or 68. I don't have any light over the tank, since I know axolotls prefers darker spaces. The pH is around 7.2, the ammonia is still 0.5, and the nitrites and nitrates are still pretty low since the cycle is new.
I also did not bury it. I was told they do fine sort of floating, so I sort of trapped some of the roots beneath a few rocks and let the rest float.
Okay it could be because it is still cycling. You're right that axies don't like light, but do you ever have the room light on? Anubias is pretty hardy but will need some light, so maybe a desk light shining on the area would be okay? Axies are okay with the light on for a bit as long as they have enough hides. I have a aquarium light on my tank because I have plants, but my axie has heaps of hides to get away from it, and it's only on for an hour or two.
Putting the roots around a rock is perfect :)
Agreed - they are low-light plants, not no-light plants ; )
Thanks for all of the answers everyone! So, I actually have a new development in this story:

I think I found out why the plant died - my axolotl has been ripping off the leaves! I finally caught my axolotl in the act. He basically acted as if he was hunting, leaned over, and took a big bite out and started trying to chew it. I think that's what must have happened to the rest of the leaves and so the plant couldn't survive.

Does anyone know why he might be doing this, and if it's going to harm him? I feel like I'm feeding him enough, and I don't want to overfeed him, in case this is a hunger issue. Should I invest in a different type of plant, even though I heard Anubias nana was one of the best for axolotls?

hahaha what a sight that would be. Mine has only ever done that if I've dropped the worm too close to the plant and he grabs that instead. Is your axolotl eating the leaves or just ripping them out?
How much do you feed him a day? Maybe amp it up a bit. I feed Bucky until he doesn't care about food, which ends up being a worm or two and some pellets.
Good to know I'm not the only one seeing this! I'm wondering if I should just put in another plant he won't want to munch on!

I feed him a few pellets in the morning (which he loves eating and really keep him healthy), and some bloodworms at night before I go to bed. Occasionally, I'll slip in a few pellets during the day. Am I not feeding him enough?
Give him more food and see if that helps. If you can get some nightcrawler worms, fills them right up :)
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