
New member
Sep 13, 2009
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Hey hows it going guys/girls

heres the situation;
-bought the newts about 2 weeks ago
-both young (about 2inches)
-being fed baitworms
-one of them is eating and it very active, id say 40 in water and 40 on land and 10 trying to escape ;)
- *second one isnt eating at all ever since i got it, always on land, and he looks big.... check it out..


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I don't know if thats bloat, to tell you the truth it looks fine to me. Can you get a picture of it from the side?
Doesn't look bloated to me. Although the skin doesn't look quite rough enough but that might just be my eyes.
i think its because they are still young, the other one has the same skin.....also the other one is 2x skinnier :s (but he eats)

p.s do these guys change colour at all? when i bout this guy, i made sure to get a chinese one ( black) he looks japanese(brown) :s
Orientalis will come in various shades of black. In this picture you can see a lighter colored one as well as a black one in the background.
Doesn´t look bloated to me either. I very much doubt they are juveniles...they should be adults.
The fact that they get out of water and try to scape the tank is most likely a sign that water quality is not ok, so check that, make sure it´s excelent, because they really need the best care possible to recover from importation.

I also got two fire bellied newts a few weeks ago (one Japanese and one Chinese). For about the first 2 weeks one wouldn't eat (I've had him about 3 weeks); the last 2 feedings he's been snatching the blood worms off me. I've used frozen blood worm.

My second newt (chinese); I've had for a week and a half; (not sure of sex yet - shape of female yet has swolen bits at the base of the tail) and has barely ate anything; I did read that it can take them a while to settle in. I'm not worried yet; I've been angling the worms in front of her and she just turns away - if she doesn't eat over the next week then I'll be worried; but if she is as gusty as the Japanese newt then I'll be one happy mammy.
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