Question: Another Axxie??


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Jan 15, 2008
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manchesrer, england
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I already have one Axxie, a wild type, who is about two years old in a 5ft tank.

I am considering getting another one to keep with him.

Is this a good idea and are there any sort of guidelines i should follow when doing so?
Re: Antoher Axxie??


Sure, we keep 3 in our tank and don't find too many problems.
They occassionally have a nip at one another, just be a bit careful are feeding time, make sure they aren't next to one another if you hand feed.

Also ensure the following:

1. They have plenty of room to make a quick get away.
2. Two hiding spots per axie
3. They should be approximately the same size

Lastly you could place a divider between them at first, or if you have any trouble with them.
Re: Antoher Axxie??

when you say hiding places what could i use? at the minute syd has a big cave at one end and two plants at the other.

Also what could i use to divide the tank?

does it matter what sex i buy?
It could be as simple as a piece of pvc pipe, or a terracotta pot, or you could purchase specific made hiding places for them from aquarium/pet shops.

Again, your aquarium/pet shops should be able to get you these or you could get a piece of clear perspex cut to the height and width of your tank

No it doesn't really matter what sex the other is, that is a personal choice, however if your not keen about the possiblilty of finding 150 eggs in your tank one day, then i would purchase one the same sex as the one you already have.
Re: Antoher Axxie??

MOST IMPORTANT: Any new animal to be added to the tank should be quarantined for 30 days before being introduced to the aquarium. This prevents the spread of any possible disease the new animal may be carrying being passed to your present axolotl.
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