Aneides - Pretty Cool!

If they followed that advice they're surely dead by now.

I see you did post advice, Mike. I was going to do it, but now I guess I don't have too. Thanks!
"AT LEAST" 87-92 degrees!?! Right now I can't think of any amphibian that could survive that temperature, except maybe an African Bullfrog, and they'd probably need to burrow deep and estivate.

(Message edited by tmarmoratus on March 04, 2005)
I was going to post there too, but I am not registered there, just browsing. Good to see you posted some info for them. =) That's a great pic he posted though. It isn't often that you get to see a caudate photo like that.
wow! i hope she read your post before taking action mike! that would be very sad if she didnt. i have gone out in the desert around phoenix AZ on summer nights where the temp is still in the upper 90's and hear what sounds like a javelina rushing through the bushes.... only to be a giant sonoran desert toad. there are a few amphibians that have adapted to this life, but caudates certainly arnt one of them.
i hate it when people give wrong advice on how to keep caudate's, good job mike glad u told em the right way to keep em
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