A little while the youngest of the tank members was being bullied and somebody bit his foot. The skin was gone in one place and you could see fleshy stuff. To help him heal i gave him 10 minute salt baths in a salt solution of one teaspoon of table salt per two liters of water.
It looked like it was getting better for a short while untill *foreshadowing JAWS music come on* i had to spend two days at my grandmothers house.*music fades away*
I came back home to find that he got a fungus looking thing on the injured foot.
Is there anything i should do besides the salt baths?
More salt maybe?
It looked like it was getting better for a short while untill *foreshadowing JAWS music come on* i had to spend two days at my grandmothers house.*music fades away*
I came back home to find that he got a fungus looking thing on the injured foot.
Is there anything i should do besides the salt baths?
More salt maybe?