An idea my brother proposed, does this make sense?

Mr Poseidon

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May 19, 2011
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So water changes can be a hassile, and i plan on expanding my aquatic set up (axo and others)

so if i took a submersable water pump, and placed it into the fish tank pumping the water into a "waste" bucket and did the same thing to pump clean water back into the tank. (could be the same or different pump)

we were discussing how a chiller works, and if im correct to use a chiller im going to need a water pump correct?

so would it make sense to use pumps to do my water changes?

if so are thease good options? Active Aqua Submersible Water Pump 160 GPH: Patio, Lawn & Garden Aquascape Statuary Pump Size - 75 GPH: Patio, Lawn & Garden

if not what GPH should i be looking for?

I dont see any reason why it shouldnt work. However, you will still need to suction up the debris from the bottom of the tank.
Be careful to read how high the pumps will pump the water. Gravity can ruin your plans so just keep that in mind when choosing a pump. I did not look at you links but see that as your only issue.
yes, It would be easy to pump the water out and lower than the axie tank but to pump it back up would be the issue. They call this the lift of the pump, and most have 2-3 feet of lift is all and that is if the posted lift is what it will actually accomplish.
I take care of a 180-gallon fish aquarium. For most of our water changes, we just hook up a siphon hose onto the outflow from the canister filter and let the filter pump out the water. To put in clean water, we mix the water in 25-gallon trash cans (to mix the dechlorinator and salt in), then use a household utility pump to pump the water into the tank.

Unless you have a really big tank, I'm not sure any of these methods would really save time though.
I use a product called a "drill pump' which attaches to any old household drill. It "sucks" and "blows" so it works for both removal and replacement.

Best is that you can get one for less than 5 USD and have a drill, cordless or otherwise at your home. (works great with a Dremel type tool too if you have the right chuck adapter) Is also portable and easy to clean/repair/replace.
I have an extra water pump and I was thinking of doing this but in the end I decided not to because it's just way faster for me (personally) to do it with buckets. I hate lifting the buckets of heavy water but for me it's just more practical than the water pump but I'd love to see your idea in action!

DIY Aquarium Auto Water Change - YouTube (A guy on youtube who has autowater changes set up on timers)

This would be the best thing ever! but unless you wanna spend a bunch of money and have the knowledge to do it then you're stuck with the ol buckets. I think this idea works well for larger tanks.
I purposely placed my tank next to a curtained window, when I have to change water I use a siphon pump and collect all the axie poo around the tank and siphon it strait out the window onto the garden. Then refil tank from outside.
Very quick and easy
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