Ammonia spike in freshly cycled tank


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Feb 14, 2022
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United Kingdom
It took two months but my tank finally finished cycling. My Axie has been in the tank for 2 days and I noticed today he was going up for air a lot.

I thought I would test the water, yesterday when I tested everything was fine

Today the ammonia is around 0.5ppm, is this a spike? If so what do I do, I checked his tank and I can't see any visible waste, should I take him out and retub him or do a few water changes?

I've added a dose of seachem prime to detoxify the ammonia but obviously I can't rely on that every day
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It took two months but my tank finally finished cycling. My Axie has been in the tank for 2 days and I noticed today he was going up for air a lot.

I thought I would test the water, yesterday when I tested everything was fine

Today the ammonia is around 0.5ppm, is this a spike? If so what do I do, I checked his tank and I can't see any visible waste, should I take him out and retub him or do a few water changes?

I've added a dose of seachem prime to detoxify the ammonia but obviously I can't rely on that every day
how was the tank cycled?
have you got a air-stone in the tank?
keep a eye on the water parameters, if the nitrites rise from 0ppm do a 50% water change with dechlorinated water.
do a water change if the ammonia reaches 1ppm>
read Water Quality Explained: How It Can Affect Your Axolotl's Health - WSAVA 2015 Congress - VIN for all the ideal and tolerant levels for axolotls.
make sure there is plenty of oxygenated water by having air-stones in the tank, the finer the air bubbles the better.
make sure the ph stays above 7 preferably 7.4-7.6.
how was the tank cycled?
have you got a air-stone in the tank?
keep a eye on the water parameters, if the nitrites rise from 0ppm do a 50% water change with dechlorinated water.
do a water change if the ammonia reaches 1ppm>
read Water Quality Explained: How It Can Affect Your Axolotl's Health - WSAVA 2015 Congress - VIN for all the ideal and tolerant levels for axolotls.
make sure there is plenty of oxygenated water by having air-stones in the tank, the finer the air bubbles the better.
make sure the ph stays above 7 preferably 7.4-7.6.


I cycled the tank by dosing Dr Timms to 2ppm and kept that going until it was hitting 0 over night.

My parameters were 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 180 nitrate by the end, did a water change and got the nitrate down to 20ish. The pH is definitely in the 7 zone

I was looking it up and saw a post online saying with an ammonia spike test it 3 times just in case and I think I was just over reacting to be honest, all 3 tests came back fine (I've attached a pic)

I don't currently have an air stone as I'd heard mixed opinions on them, some people say their Axies didn't like them and they caused stress but I think maybe it's something I should definitely invest in


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I cycled the tank by dosing Dr Timms to 2ppm and kept that going until it was hitting 0 over night.

My parameters were 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 180 nitrate by the end, did a water change and got the nitrate down to 20ish. The pH is definitely in the 7 zone

I was looking it up and saw a post online saying with an ammonia spike test it 3 times just in case and I think I was just over reacting to be honest, all 3 tests came back fine (I've attached a pic)

I don't currently have an air stone as I'd heard mixed opinions on them, some people say their Axies didn't like them and they caused stress but I think maybe it's something I should definitely invest in
good to hear about the ammonia, the water in the tank needs to be oxygenated, not only for your axolotl but for the filter bacteria as well.
axolotls use their skin and gills to breath in water,
the reason for the red colour in an axolotls gills is because of blood flowing through them and receiving oxygen from the water, they can also reduce and restrict the blood flow to prevent toxic gas absorption.
axolotls have rudimentary lungs which allow them to receive air from the surface in the case of low oxygen or poor water conditions.
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