Ambystomid Storage Tub



Ok, so plastic storage tubs arn't a new concept for housing salamanders but I haven't seen one of these yet. It's a storage box that's designed to roll under your bed (don't worry - I don't)and you can buy them in various sizes from most DIY stores, this one is 3ft by 1.5ft and comes complete with a tight fitting lid. Ambystomids don't require height as they're not the best climbers, so this option gives a large surface area without filling up your house. It's light enough to pick up or if you're lazy you can roll it using the wheels! The only modification I've made is to drill plenty of ventilation into the lid. There is about 4 inches of topsoil, some leaf litter and a covering of bark/logs. Add some slugs, worms and bugs and hey presto! They only cost about £5 (10$)

Good ol' rubbermaid! I had one of these for quite some time, until I upgraded to a proper tank. It now houses my daphnia farm.

Ive just purchased some of these for that reason (other than to put my bed sheets in
) Not quite sure whats going to go in them yet.. I have some fuzhong larvae atm.. so when they get a bit bigger they may go in there...
That is the same container I use for my tiger sal. Its nice because is easily slides under my aquarium stand that houses my adult C.p.
Very nice Mark! The wheels are convenient also. By the way, I love the color of your walls!
LOL! Thanks Pam - that's a spare bedroom/salamader storage area. The room is mainly creamy coloured but with a purple section on the lower wall. it looks kinda bright in the pictures above! Must have been the flash. Just to prove it....

That's great Mark--the sals get their own, nicely decorated room
i've got a pair of deeper ones for my opacum. they are very useful and so cheap compaired to a glass tank!
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