<font color="0077aa"><font face="symbol"></font><font face="arial,helvetica"></font> I have a few questions concerning 2 ambystoma maculatums I have. First of all, I have them housed in a terrarium setting with 6 bird voiced tree frogs. Both species get along fine without any conflicts whatsoever. I have a 2 cup water dish with gravel and stones for the tree frogs. First question I have is I can't seem to nail down the sex of both salamanders. I've searched online but still can't get clear answers. One is moderately larger and more plump than the other. When I got them, both were equal size. Is the larger one the male? Also, should I provide a semi-aquatic setup for the salamanders in the event I do have a male and female? If so, what's the recommended water depth?</font>} Thanks for the input....awesome site!