Ambystoma Andersoni


New member
Mar 30, 2010
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Hi guys , i just got two ambystoma andersoni's and everybody on this site is talkin about axolotls and i could barely find anything on these guys , can you guys help me out with some general information about their care ? thank you
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Use the same general care as axolotls.

cool water below 72F
good slow flow or diverted biological filtration
10 gallons of water per adult
Don't overfeed
Their is some indication that water quality issues and overfeeding might trigger metamorphosis.
Their care will be almost identical to that of Axolotls. They are a very similar species, and most, if not all, of the neotenic mexican salamanders have identical care.
thanks guys, by the way how much do i feed them? im giving them frozen bloodworms at the moment and they eat quite a bit so how much do i feed them ? and how many times a day? and i keep reading about bacteria problem due to unfinished food and waste i just siphon the tank once every week is that good enough?
Feed them as much as they will eat in about 30-45 mins, then clean out the rest, you will get an idea of how much they eat pretty quickly. How old are they? Juveniles will need to eat every day, while adults can eat every other or every 3rd day.

Siphoning once a week is not enough, you should remove excess food and waste with a turkey baster on a daily basis, and do a good siphon once a week.

How large is your tank? as smaller tanks are more susceptible to water fouling, and require more frequent care.
my tank is 20 gallons and these guys are kind of young i think , "the bigger one is about 11 centimiteres and the smaller guy is about 8" ive had them for the past month is it dangerous that i havnt cleaned the tank with turkey baster so far?
I hear iodine existing in certain regain's tap water can trigger A.Andersoni to metamorphosis. can anybody tell me if vancouver tap water consists of iodine?
Hello, I remember reading a post when some one asked this question before, some one replied all regions in the USA have to submit a yearly water report, perhaps this is the same for Canada I would suggest you google 'Vancouver water report' see if this helps,

Although I am sure some one more knowledgeable will be able to help you more directly.

Hope this helps, could you also post some pic's I am interested to see the differences with Axolotl

Good luck
thanks, i just checked the water report i didnt see iodine but i did find out however that the water is very soft here , would they use a different scientific term in their report that i should know of? thanks alot for your help im just trying to be the best owner that i possibly could , i will post up pictures very soon.
Sorry I can not help you, I was only passing on second hand advice, you should find a Andersoni care sheet that will tell you what PH they require, Mine is 7.6 so I do not have problems there are PH adjusters available but I can not tell you if they are safe for your pet

I'm sure some one else will help you out more glad I helped
I would change over to earthworms, cut up in small pieces. Much less messy and far easier to remove uneaten bits. You will definitely have to move into a larger food item as they get bigger. Bloodworms are just too small. Try waxworms, mealworms, crickets, earthworms. I dont really trust any of the fish pellets they sell up here. My adult ones like kingworms.
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