My female alpine newts are starting to lay their eggs, please let me know do they lay mainly at night??? or at anytime, its just that between 7pm and 11pm last night 1 female laid 6 eggs, but expecting there to be a fair few this morning, there was no additions. I am removing them as soon as laid and know that they can be eaten, but the type of weed she is laying into makes it almost impossible for them to find and they are all well fed on worms etc, so would have exepected to find at least a few.
Any ideas
My female alpine newts are starting to lay their eggs, please let me know do they lay mainly at night??? or at anytime, its just that between 7pm and 11pm last night 1 female laid 6 eggs, but expecting there to be a fair few this morning, there was no additions. I am removing them as soon as laid and know that they can be eaten, but the type of weed she is laying into makes it almost impossible for them to find and they are all well fed on worms etc, so would have exepected to find at least a few.
Any ideas