i put Oliver into my main tank this morning and half an hour later he was chasing all of my females and wiggling his tail at them. i looked closer and saw that he was trying to lay a spermataphore (spelling?)lol. i dont know if they are interested in him but he keeps nudging them with his snout and head butting them. he doesnt seem to be interested in my wildtype and he mostly seems to be hanging around my golden freak, sometimes he gives marilyn a nudge but she keeps biting him.lol. also he hasnt actually laid any spermetaphores but he has one hanging out of him and his cloaca is open, he just keeps walking around the females is he just trying to find the right female and the right place to lay his spermetaphores? is this normal? i hope they lay eggs but then i hope they dont because i already have some eggs from halszka, if they do i will just keep a few and freeze the rest. i have some pictures of him with the spermetaphore.