Hi whyjune1st,
I have a slightly different idea to callina. Firstly there are many variables that determine the breeding capabilities of a sexually matured female axie besides age. These other factors include the nutritional state, physical conformation (ie no deformed cloaca), health status, stress level (environment) and breeding stimulus (light, temperature).
Most members will recommend breeding a female axie when its about 1 and a half to 2 years of age rather than too young as that can take its toll on the axie. It is true that female axies upon sexual maturity will be able to breed continuously throughout their lifespan. However, i speculate that advanced age can have an impact on the quality and quantity of eggs laid.
The breeding potential of a female axie is largely genetically determined. I believe some breeders have observed that for any particular axie, the number of eggs laid and the quality of eggs laid does differ as the axie ages. Perhaps some experienced axie breeders can share their observations?