Question: Age, feeding, & keeping?


New member
Apr 4, 2011
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United States
Hi all,

I just joined the forum and here's my first few questions for all you axolotl experts & breeders. :)

First question, I have my two baby axolotls for about a week now and I'm carious about these little guys...
How old are they? My two babies are roughly about 6-6.5cm (~2.5in).
I know they're probably only a few months old, but I'm still carious :eek:
I want to know how old they are so I know that I'm feeding them properly.

Second question, considering that my first question will be answer. How often and how much should I feed these little guys? When I got them from my local aquatic pet store, the salesperson told me to feed them once every other day, which I am. However, I know that some salesperson aren't that reliable because their specialty may lies elsewhere so I'm having a moment of doubt so PLEASE HELP! Yes, you may beat me beside the head for waiting a full week before considering whether my salesperson was creditable or not.

Third question, I know that axolotls are social creatures and should be kept in pairs if possible. However, if I'm not mistaken according to my research its best to keep my babies apart until they've reached about 10cm (~4in) so they would not feed on each other's legs. I know their legs and other body parts will grow back, but I really don't want them to gain that kind of a bad habit. I don't know if it is true, but I really don't want to take the chance since I read somewhere that they can carry that kind of habit into their adulthood. Right now there is a divider (make that 2 dividers considering the filter is right in the middle of the tank to give them equal filtration) in my tank to keep the two apart, so I'm wondering should I wait to put them together or keep them apart until they mature some more? At my local aquatic pet store they were kept together with 2-3 other baby axolotls and some albino bull tadpoles in a 10 gallon tank. Yes, I know it's not good to keep them with non-axolotls so be assure that I will not be putting anything that is bigger than them or smaller and not their food into their tank in the coming future.

That's all the questions I have for now. I know its a bit of a reader so thanks a million for reading it all and for your help :)
I havent had babies that small myself, so i can only pass on info i've seen here.

Every day or every other day should be fine to feed them, as long as they are growing and not getting tto skinny or fat, then go with whatever works. Ideally the torso will be approx the same width as the head when you look from the top - wider or thinner than that can indicate over / under weight.

Axies are not social animals actually, they prefer theri own company, but usually will happily live along a tank mate as long as they have room to not be living on top of each other - give them some space and they will be happy, cramp them up and you could get some aggressive behaviour.

I understand it's ok to keep axies of the same size together, it's when they have a difference in size the big one can pick on the little one - if you are smaller than me i will probably eat you.

But there would be no harm in seperating them if you are concerned, as i mentioned, they are not social animals, they won't care two hoots if they have a buddy or not.

Main thing everyone will tell you is - gravel is not ok, despite what your LFS says, i know you didn't ask about this, but it seems fish store owners / staff seem determinde to have all axies on dangerous standard fish tank gravel - use sand or nothing, anything bigger than 1-2 mm in size poses a threat to your axies health (that's if you consider "death' a threat to axies health)

Ouch, I guess I fail at my research T______T

Thanks you, Bren for the helpful information. I guess I'll be here more often than not to make sure my babies will be happy and healthy.

Hmm...I did not know about the whole torso and head size. Thank you for this bit of information, I am going to note that down right now and check on my axies right away.

Again I fail at my research...I wonder why so many people on the web haven't pointed out that they're really not sociable animals. I will be sure to keep that fact in mind. It's a good thing they're both the same size. Hopefully they'll grow in equal amount and sizes. Question: What's your ideal size tank for 2 adult axolotls (for future reference, right now they're in a 10 gallon tank)?

I'm a failure *ashamed* I've been feeding them outside of their tank (in a plastic cup) for the past week after noticing just how big their mouth actually was because I was afraid they might get the gravel in their mouth. I know I can't feed them out of their tank forever and I really don't want to stress them so I have considered buying sand but now...I will be at my local pet store early in the morning to buy sands!

I really should have registered on this forum before purchasing my two axies, but axies runs out so fast at the pet store that I had to get mine quick. *sigh* The web and the salesperson can be so unreliable >"<

Again, thank you for all your tip and help. Now I'll be asking plenty of questions before I do anything farther.
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