African Dwarf Frogs & Firebelly Newts



Does anyone here have experience keeping these two together? I have kept these two together in the past with no problems, but now I have been told they shouldn't be kept together. I have done much reading on the internet and I get conflicting opinions. I would like an opinion from people who are experienced in this area.

Thank you

check the FAQs, the ADCF part and the Pipidae board on my website . There you will find some information.

Bye Martin
Again,never mix amphibian species.Research requires more than just asking and see what people say.Check out facts.These animals should live years and won't in each others company.
There are toxin issues,being ate issuse,competition for food issues,tons of things to consider.
I have read through several pages of facts on both species, and the feeling I get is that ideally they should not be kept together, but it is possible to keep them together with some success.
The reason I am inquiring is because I work for Animal Protection Services and a pet store here in town keeps these 2 species together. I need to know if we should advise them that they can not do that.
When I had my frog and newt together they were fine. Then one day the frog got pinned under a rock during our move and he drowned

Just looking for some proper education on the matter.

I think one compelling reason that the pet shop should keep them separately is that it sets the best example for customers. If they are together in the shop, people will buy them to keep together, often with poor results. I think you are right, that some people may have (temporary) success keeping them together, but it's not ideal. For some examples of what can go wrong, see:
Hello Jennifer,
good information collection! I will link it in my FAQs in some days, then my websites moved successfully to the new webserver.

Bye MArtin
I did for a few months until i realised that C.Orientalis need coldwater :s so i moved him out of the heated tank to my hospital/breeding tank(and removed the heater). He died so got 2 more and theyre living happiy in that tank. Shame i cant breed my bettas now *sighs*
So in my experience,they got on but the newt stayed out of the water for the most of the time as it was too hot for him
Well I know from research as I am cycling two tanks at the moment. One is for some ADF's and the other for Fire Belly Newts. ADF's require a warmer tank than FBN's. ADF's need about 78 degree water temp and the newts require a lower temp of about 72 tops. So.. your ADF's would be unhappy with a cooler temp, or the newts would be stressed with a temp to warm.

That alone is a good reason to not keep them together. Also, I would think that the ADF's would be a little stressed with newts that could possibly eat them, or at least nip or mess with them just because of size issues. Another point to make would be the amount of water used in the tank. ADF's like to swim and be in tanks with a good amount of water in them. Alot of people with newt tanks set them up to provide land and water which is some cases lowers the amount of water in the tank. For instance if you have a 10gal tank set up for newts and only fill it up about half way in order to provide land you really are only talking about 5 or maybe even less gallons of actual water. I would imagine both would be "cramped" and unhappy.

Just my two cents...

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