As soon as I find a competent teenager to work my camera I will put some up lol, if you are looking for interesting pets rather than a breeding colony try and source adult females they are very interactive, always hungry and begging for food, males can be a little shy and if left in an all male tank they get worse and worse. Unfortunately you cant sex small froglets, check RFUK , there are often sexed adults for sale, go for females only unless you want to breed, males tend to be a bit more active with females present though. I love my frogs, my favorite phib is my ACF Pinky she is a star ! she has caused me more problems than all my other phibs put together, initialy a mercy buy from a frog death house (garden center), she has escaped twice, nearly killed herself by over eating three times, intimidates my wife by staring at her and i cant put my hand in the tank without fighting her off as she tries to eat my fingers(no teeth thankfully), she has what many people lack and that is character.