African bullfrog breeding



Has anyone ever had any luck captive breeding African bullfrogs, either Pyxicephalus adspersus or edulis? I see CB babies available for sale but no one can tell me how to produce them.
you need to have a tank with 1/4 or less of water but so they can still go in the water and let the rest of the tank go dry no water on the land they will be fine but they still need a place with water but no wet land ok for about 2 - 3 months and then make the tank moist again and make a big water place for them but if they still do not breed try a water chaimber that helps
but you must never let the land go wet it must go dry like in africa the frogs will get this type of skin to protect them so they will be ok but make the water low like 3" or less so its like it has dryed out ye. you get they idea
Probably what Jake said. I think aestivating them for a few months in slightly moist soil and then introducing them to a rainchamber after waking them up and feeding heavily for a few weeks would work too.

With the current price and demand for CB babies, and the number of tadpoles produced, it is no wonder that those who know are doing a good job keeping it secret.
I did some research on that a few years ago. The same methods used for Ceratophrys apply (estivate and rain chamber like Joseph said).
I am trying to get a breeding group together of the P. adspersa.
At this moment I have 7 animals 3.4. At this moment I have a small tank to keep them but will make a large one of 3meter , .50 cm deep and .50 high.
I will try to breed these animals on two ways. One way is to lower water level and change slowely the water area into sand/törf. I will also raise the temperture for one month and lower temperture also the second month. After that I will put water in the tank and raise the temperture again.
Another way is to breed them with supplements. this is the easiest way and eggs will be layed within 6 houres. Allthough this is the simplest way to do so the first way should be more fun.
frogs must be sold within 7 weeks otherwise they start eating their brothers and sisters leggs.
I keep them on a high temperture but have seen already some breeing behavior when I have raised the temperture of the water.
I am working on a reptile house near by home which should be ready within two months. Hopefully my first breeding will be after the summer with suplements and my first breeding with artificial climatechange after the winter.
I will keep you all posted if you like.
gr. hans
Thanks for letting us know. Just a slight correction for you - it is adspersus, not adspersa.

Good luck.
Thanks for letting us know. Just a slight correction for you - it is adspersus, not adspersa.

Good luck.

You are absolutly rigth.
When I take care of the animals for about 25 years ago at the Emmen Zoo they where named Rana adspersa. I have been out of reptiles for a long time and just start my old hobby again after many years. Allot of names have been changed. The treeboas are now called Corrallus hortulanus end in the past it was Cor. enydris. I have a bad habit by using the old names by accident. Sorry for this but still the same animal. Happy I was not forced to changed my own name!!:p

Well here is one of the terraria with some of the adspersus.I will make something simulair lateron but only 3 times larger. In this new terraria I will put the breeding animals. This terraria's are used for just breeding up the juv.
gr Hanss


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Han, that's a great setup. Sorry I didn't see your last reply before now. Have you pushed forward with your plans? I would love to see some photos of your adults.
Hi all, a guy near Leeds bred them once by using an old plastic bath, he kept them dry for quite awhile then let them have it with a rainstorm for several days,then thousands of tads that the male guards, he said major problem was separating each little frog so don't try to raise too many, hope this gives you some idea. At the time I was struggling to breed Argentinian Horned frogs and this was advice I was given via friend of a friend as they are similar in habit and same appetite
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1