Advice on cleaning needed please :D


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Apr 19, 2012
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Newcastle Upon Tyne
United Kingdom
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Julie Ann
Hi Guys so I've just purchased a monster of a tank from Ebay but it has been left for months with the dirty water in both the tank and the filter, ewwww might I add!

I'm managing to work my way through cleaning the filter with no chemicals just warm water but now I'm at the tubes (see attached pic).

How on earth am I meant to get this out? I've tried running the shower through and poking stuff in, I don't have a high power hose or anything so any techniques are greatly accepted.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you can offer some advice:happy:


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It may be easier just to get replacement tubes and connections...ebay is useful for things like this.
Thank you Bellabelloo, I think you are very right :D
I was curious as to whether the tubes would have been helpful in cycling but they are so dirty and have been left for so long Ive concluded they would more than likely do more harm than good :(
I cleaned my filtertubed two weeks ago with a small brush and a string... Just tie the string to the brush and pull it through those tubes and normally it has to be clean! :D
Thanks! I usually do this when I see there's to much brown algae in it!
You can buy a brush that is made specially for filter hoses. It's got a brush head and then a long flexible wirey handle that allows you to push it through the hoses. I got mine from an aquarium store.
Thank you so much for your replies. I wandered to my local pet store and the DIY store but they didn't have any suitable and I wanted to get cycling asap then I've got home and read your advice Jasmini and went for some damp cloth and bamboo, would you believe it, it worked like a dream! Thank you so very much Im now ready to start adding some water tomorrow to see how my tank holds up (second hand, home made :eek:) so I'm taking a risk!

Ill keep everyone posted on whether over the next few days I flood my neighbours out :p
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