ADF Vacation feeding?


Apr 29, 2014
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United States
So I'm planning on going away for a week or two in December and have figured things out for my other pets but I have 3 ADF in a 5.5 gallon and I'm not really sure what to do with them. I'm honestly not so sure how often I should be feeding them in general. I feed them every day and they all seem to be a nice chunky weight. My female seems especially heavy, I think she may just be eggy, I've been seeing the tiniest tadpoles and seeing her and one of the males mating on and off so I thought it best to continue daily feeding until they were done with all that nonsense so she wouldn't be too stressed out or anything. The other male is a gimp with only one foot, I haven't seen him even attempt to mate with the female since adding the new guy, I'm not really concerned about her being under too much stress from multiple males I guess.

I was originally planning on leaving for 2 weeks with no one coming in to feed or anything as I don't really have anyone trustworthy to do so but this seems a little too stressful on everyone so I'm now thinking of leaving for around a week with no feeding, coming back for a few days, feeding and changing water and then leaving for another week. This tank has been up and running for around 10 months and is well cycled and planted, I see around 5 nitrates a week and usually do water changes every other week when the tank gets around 10-20 nitrates.

Tl;dr Would 3 ADF in a 5.5 gallon be okay without being fed for a week maybe longer? How often should a reverse trio (2 males, 1 female) be fed in this setup?
Hello, I've 4 different acquarium 1 has ADF 2 have Pipa pipa breeding and young group and the last one has a group of 10 Pipa parva; this summer I was on holiday for two and half weeks and all my groups doing very well. The positive experience was the same for the last 4/5 years were I had 2/3 weeks holiday.
I believe that the most important point is the water quality so it's important not to over feed the animal the day before leaving. I normally feed them a lot starting 3 weeks before leaving and sto feeding 2/3 days before leaving, I made water change the day before leaving.
So I'm planning on going away for a week or two in December and have figured things out for my other pets but I have 3 ADF in a 5.5 gallon and I'm not really sure what to do with them. I'm honestly not so sure how often I should be feeding them in general. I feed them every day and they all seem to be a nice chunky weight. My female seems especially heavy, I think she may just be eggy, I've been seeing the tiniest tadpoles and seeing her and one of the males mating on and off so I thought it best to continue daily feeding until they were done with all that nonsense so she wouldn't be too stressed out or anything. The other male is a gimp with only one foot, I haven't seen him even attempt to mate with the female since adding the new guy, I'm not really concerned about her being under too much stress from multiple males I guess.

I was originally planning on leaving for 2 weeks with no one coming in to feed or anything as I don't really have anyone trustworthy to do so but this seems a little too stressful on everyone so I'm now thinking of leaving for around a week with no feeding, coming back for a few days, feeding and changing water and then leaving for another week. This tank has been up and running for around 10 months and is well cycled and planted, I see around 5 nitrates a week and usually do water changes every other week when the tank gets around 10-20 nitrates.

Tl;dr Would 3 ADF in a 5.5 gallon be okay without being fed for a week maybe longer? How often should a reverse trio (2 males, 1 female) be fed in this setup?

Feeding should not be an issue, but please bear in mind that things can always go wrong (equipment failures, power outages etc) or they could develop problems, so it would be strongly recommended to get them at least checked quickly, ideally every 24 hrs or less.

In case something happens you need to make sure it would be picked up as soon as possible. Herps and fish may be able to survive unattended for weeks in a stable set-up, but there is always the chance of something going wrong, or the animals developing a problem at any stage. They are reliant on the conditions we provide so some form of reasonably frequent monitoring should be in place, certainly if they have any sort of necessary heating, lighting, filtration etc.
Thank you both so much! My roommate will be staying home so I'm sure she can tell me if/when the power goes out or something however I know she isn't comfortable feeding or doing water changes or anything like that (we aren't close enough for me to try and instruct her either).

I'm so glad to know that they won't starve over that time, I'd figured everyone else out but wasn't sure about the little ADF
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