These are young adults who are almost, but not quite full grown. They will get a bit bigger but not an insane amount. Full grown for ADF is under 2" in body, so they are still a small species.
A ten gallon tank will happily house 4 or 5 frogs. For their health, it is best to keep them in a species only tank, and once you have a group of frogs always quarantine new additions for a minimum of 30 days.
Sand substrate or no substrate. Avoid gravel.
LOTS of hiding places and fake plants - use silk plants, not plastic. Plastic is quite rough and can tear the webbing between their toes.
These are very shy creatures by nature, so the more hiding places you have around, the safer and braver they will feel.
Temperature should be kept in the high 70*s F.
Filter your water with a gentle filter. Water quality is very important and you need to filter and cycle their tank the same way you would for fish. Google "Fish-less cycling" and do lots of reading and familiarize yourself with the Nitrogen cycle (ammonia - nitrite - nitrate) and it's importance in the aquarium.
For food, do not feed anything freeze dried because it can lead to constipation and do not feed any type of feeder fish, ever. Feeder fish are kept in awful conditions and are nearly always diseased - it only takes one sick feeder to infect your entire system. Feed them sinking HBH frog and tadpole bites (found in every petco, petsmart and most other petstores). Treat them with frozen bloodworms (defrosted prior to feeding) about once a week if you want, you don't have to.
Any other questions, please feel free to ask!