ADF died after 2 weeks from purchase


New member
May 23, 2015
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, Utah
United States
I purchased and ADF at my local petco 2 weeks ago (5/15) and after acclimating (in my 20 gallon long tank with 8 female bettas), it started acting weird. It began going ashore to my filter so I put him in a small cup, I noticed that he was being lethargic and didn't want to eat, his skins was also shedding but didn't come of instantly which made me think he had chytrid. I should also mention that at the store, several ADFs were stuck on the filter intake, and only 2 (1 of which I got) were swimming freely. I ordered a heater so I could kill the chytrid with heat on 5/22 but didn't ship until 5/26 and arrived on 5/29. I think the last day my frog ate was on 5/20-22. I slowly raised the temperature up to 93 F in a separate tank where the frog was in a small cup with 1 cup of water at 2.5 cm tall. The frog seemed fine, until this morning, my frog was all pale and as I turned it over, it had a green and red spot on its belly. I've had 4 ADFs in the past and they all died within 1 month, but I had no knowledge of them back then and kept them in bowls with no heater. Do you think I can get a refund and petco? I really think it was chytrid that killed the frog because it was too late.

Re: ADF diead after 2 weeks from purchase

I know nothing of ADFs so I cannot help with diagnoses, but you normally don't treat for unverified diseases. A swab is needed to determine if an animal has chytrid or not. In the future, I would only purchase apparently healthy stock and treat for disease based on confirmation of the disease when possible.
Re: ADF diead after 2 weeks from purchase

I think Petco usually offers a 30 day gaurantee on their animals, if you have a receipt and a water sample. Please do not replace the frog if you suspect Chytrid without thoroughly disinfecting the habitat first.
Re: ADF diead after 2 weeks from purchase

Probably shouldn't replace it with another from the same store anyway....from what I understand, if it is chytrid it can live in the water for up to 7 weeks even without an amphibian host. (maybe take the refund and go to a different store with healthy looking stock after thoroughly cleaning the tank) Idk about bringing a water sample but just bag the guy up in the same bag you brought him home in with some tank water and bring the receipt and they should give you a refund no questions asked (I've had to do it with bettas before sadly).
Re: ADF diead after 2 weeks from purchase

ADF's are wild caught and many die before they can adjust to captive conditions
I was under the impression that almost all of them in the US are captive farmed. But not necessarily in great conditions.
Here's an article on Salmonella that mentions one of the major growers in the US.
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1