New member
I'm a new Axie mom and love my adorable GFP leucistic named Creature (I'll add photos). S/he is only about 4" now and I don't know whether or not S/he is a boy or a girl yet. Once I do know I think I want to add a second. Does anyone on here know any breeders that possibly deal in full grown Axies? I would want another adult to make sure they are similar in size and the same sex to avoid unwanted breeding. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I'm a new Axie mom and love my adorable GFP leucistic named Creature (I'll add photos). S/he is only about 4" now and I don't know whether or not S/he is a boy or a girl yet. Once I do know I think I want to add a second. Does anyone on here know any breeders that possibly deal in full grown Axies? I would want another adult to make sure they are similar in size and the same sex to avoid unwanted breeding. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!