Active Axol???


New member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hi All

Just wondering if it is odd for an axolotl to exhibit hyperactive behaviour.

i have had my water tested and all the levels are within a acceptable parameter.
I'm just concerned that the little guy may be a unhappy or uncomfortable.
He also has a place for him to hide which he often ignores/ rarely hides in.
the only unusual thing he seems to be doing is swimming to the top of the tank to "gasp" for air which is creating a lot of froth on the top of the water of his tank.

The only time he seems to calm down and relax is right after i feed him :S.

i'm just wondering if this is normal behaviour or if i should be concerned and finding ways to settle him down.
How old is it? How big is your tank? How warm do you keep the tank?
I'd say about 2 -3 months (guessing from what the pet store told me). its a 2 foot tank so about 60 litres and the tank is kept at about 15-25 degrees Celsius give or take when the air con is on
15-25C is a big swing. And 25C is far too warm for your axolotl.

You'll do right by your little guy by keeping the water a consistent (and cool) temperature.
Thanks. i will try ad drop his tank's temp and see if that does anything and will post back on here with the results. with anyluck it will make the little guy feel more at ease. :D
Have dropped his temp to about 19 degrees Celsius and is still pretty active.
Constant temperature is good, see how he's doing after a few more hours at that temperature. How did you change the temperature, and can you sustain it? Fluctuations in ANY water parameter can be distressing for your axie, so make sure you can keep it at 19 :)

Have you considered a chiller? They are, I understand, pricey, but worth the piece of mind for your axolotls welfare.

Only other suggestions would be making sure you have lots of gloomy places for Axol. Perhaps he is feeling exposed, what is his hide like, can you post a picture for us?

Mine like small dark corners with a low roof the best!
Age may affect how active your axolotl is, (according to I know that older axolotls tend to stay at the bottom of the tank rather than "spastically" swimming about. My axolotl is quite young and rarely ever sits still. :lame:
Age may affect how active your axolotl is, (according to I know that older axolotls tend to stay at the bottom of the tank rather than "spastically" swimming about. My axolotl is quite young and rarely ever sits still. :lame:

My wild type is about 18 months now and swims about like a nutter! :p She calmed down for a bit but I think she was just sulking because she no longer had a 4ft tank to herself! :p
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