Sorry to hear you had a bad time at the Bronx zoo. Caudata, even reptile and ampbians wise, pretty poor representation near the instituions near me.
Not a good representation of caudates at the institutes near me.
Went to Brookfield zoo yesterday, there were Tylototriton shanjing in a small exhibit across from the Asian River Otters.Near them were also some insect exhibits, I LOVE insect exhibts, need more of them too. They were sexable and a pretty cood size colony. Brookfield used to have a giant really cool reptile house when I was little, especially since the Aligators and Crocodiles were kept in large habitat in the Basement. Now it is just some small lizards and frogs in the center of a paviallion with lots of birds, but the burrowing owls are pretty cool. Not enough love for repts and amphibians, especially salamanders in Chicago.
Aquarium (and Lincoln Park) only have Caecilians, but I am working on changing that
There is one on exhibit in Amazon section that you cannot see most of the time, but off exhibit there are prebably two dozen, i think it is some study on treatment of dermal abrasions, they have such cute faces. I never realized how many turtles we have at the aquarium til i went arround behind and on exhibit, seriously, if you like turtles, there are a lot, nice amount of frogs, also. Heck, plenty of lizards also, have Blue Iguanas, and Faust the Komodo Dragon, baby skinks and cayman lizards.
Nature Museum has lesser siren and a fat Tiger Salamander(but the poster above them talks about spotted sals), they has some mudpupies die recently but thay are also not AZA.
In short, I declare zoos need to start conserving more than just fuzzy little (and mega fauna, heck more mega fauna of Central Asia, India, South East Asia need to be also, so much more in the world than the "Savannah") mammals, and more reptiles, amphibians(especially salamanders), and insects.