A new 20-long for a Tiger.


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Aug 18, 2007
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Hopefully this will suffice.

I gotta do some touch ups on the BG, add some foam sheets with some bark attached to the one side, and Im gunna re do the substrate layer with a thicker layer of loam on top.

The BG is a great stuff and Peat back ground with brown silicone as the adhesive layer and a fine layer of loam and dried long fiber sphagnum.

The substrate is a mix of black sand ( very, very little ) top soil, peat and sphagnum chopped up very fine.

Its kinda dark and creepy but Im gunna do a coat of moss milkshake here and there and add some brighter leaf litter.

Hopefully this will suffice for a Tiger Salamander. I dont plan on getting it till this set up is complete 100% ( well not the moss anyway ) and its gunna be for my son on his Birthday in September.

It kinda reminds me of some of the wooded areas along the Lehigh river where I grew up in PA. The substrate is a lot like that fine black silty loam. To the deeper side, you cant see but under that mound beside that root I have two half logs silicone together to form a long one and buried under that mound. Hopefully the Salamander would take to it to hide but I do have a few more spaces for him to go.


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Re: A new 20L for a Tiger.

I am no expert but I have a few tigers myself and they love to dig. I would put more dirt in the tank.... all I have in my tiger tanks is dirt a water bowl ..mine like to take a dip time to time...and pvc tunnels.. Mine spend most of there time in the tunnels or hiding in the dirt...
Re: A new 20L for a Tiger.

Theirs a huge mound of dirt, two actually.

I am still waiting on some loam to top of the substrate with, but yeah I got lots more dirt than it appears. I also have places like the half logs that are burried for them to hide which some people say can help reduce digging.

The center is lower cause you need a depression from what I read to achieve different levels of moisture in the substrate. Most people just do that by letting it slope down to one side. I thought that was boring.
Re: A new 20L for a Tiger.

Anyone else?

Opinions are welcome. I wanna find out what the outside world thinks of my work. I kinda wanna start selling pre made vivs and such.
Re: A new 20L for a Tiger.

I think you need a water dish in there or water of some kind that will be easy to change. My tigers frequently visit their little swimming pools...
Re: A new 20L for a Tiger.

Yes, thats also on the list to do before I acquire what ever animal I am putting in this one.

I want it to be hidden and blend in well so Im just waiting till I go grocery shopping next so I can get a small black microwave dinner dish. Im just gunna smear some black aquarium sealant on it and attach very large rocks to it.
Re: A new 20L for a Tiger.

I updated it a bit with leaf litter and some loam. Im still waiting on a dish.

Here is a video. Not that it makes that much of a difference but I converted it to 1080p with xilisoft so watch in 1080hd!:crazy:
YouTube - ‪20 long terrarium‬‎

I have been thinking about something smaller like a T. Shanjing or A. Opacum.
Re: A new 20L for a Tiger.

Sorry to resurrect this one, but I just wanted to say what a beautiful and naturally looking setup.
Re: A new 20L for a Tiger.

Thanks. I remodeled it since and removed that large root just for more surface space. I cant find my Flip and its kinda irritating cause I got more updates and the kids busted the camera so a photo log is out of the question.

( I have no clue why it says its been removed but maybe a moderator can edit that post with this link in place YouTube - 20 long terrarium )
Re: A new 20L for a Tiger.

Lovely. Looks like something I would see in a zoo.
Re: A new 20L for a Tiger.

Wow... That looks amazing, really natural looking. (I love the reflection of the toy snakes on the bed, confused me for a moment lol)
Your tank is awesome...just was wondering if the wood in the tank is store bought or if you found that in the forest. I have tried to use wood from outdoors before that looked quite similar. I cleaned it off really well but in the moist setting and dirt of my Tiger tank mold would always grow!?!? Did you buy the wood or else was it treated in some way?
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