A.Mavortium feeding tips


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Oct 27, 2013
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Northern Illinois
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Hello guys,
I've recently gotten an a.mavortium and he has been in his setup for around 3 days. The substrate is Eco-earth and he always burrows and is never at the surface. Could this be a sighn of something? Also I have put earthworms in front of his face to eat but he turns the other way or tries to burrow. Today I tried to put him in a plastic container and put a couple of earthworms in it. He wasn't intrested and turns away. I hope this doesn't continue and is only temporary. What should I try to feed him or do? Also if anybody need pics of the setup or guy ask.

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Here's a pic of his setup


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Hello, Tiger salamanders are insanely easy to get them to eat. Once you first get them, they may not eat due to stress, so wait a day or two, and put a feeding dish in the tank (Something he/she can climb in or out of, but the prey can't) and if you need to dig it out, do so and put it in the dish. If it is too small to eat a full night-crawler, cut it, but if it's large enough to eat one, dangle it in front of its face, so it sees the worm and tries to eat it. Once it eats, you can continue feeding as needed. Once you get him accustomed to Bowl + Human = Food, he'll stay on the surface, and try to get you to feed him. Here's our care-sheets if you haven't found them already: Caudata Culture Species Entry - Tiger salamander Caudata Culture Articles - Tiger Salamander 101
Sorry He is not A.Mavortium he is a Ambystoma maculatum. The person I got him from mixed him up with the tiger I got :(. But he still won't eat but my tiger will. Also If a moderator would like to edit the title to Ambystoma maculatum be my guest because I can't edit it anymore.
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