A funny thing that happened today...


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Dec 13, 2006
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Rhode Island
United States
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This morning after feeding my mudpuppy I was just watching her as I sometimes do, when I got the idea to grab my camera. I planned on snapping a shot of one of her long "yawns" that I see sometimes. I thought I might get lucky. As I was waiting, thinking of "yawns" I started to yawn. My eyes were closed during that long yawn but when I was done yawning (this is all taking place right in full "view" of my mudpuppy) I opened my eyes to see the mudpuppy finishing up her "yawning". And they say yawning is "contagious". I know that mudpuppies have poor eyesight but I thought I'd just make a quick post on the silly subject. All in all I didn't get a picture.:D
WOW, WHAT AN EXCITING DAY!!!!!:violent: :ufo: :crazy: :smile:
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Koala, cool it with the smileys. There is also no need for such gigantic font. That was very interesting though.
Sometimes in the morning when I get up, I walk to the bathroom or kitchen before I put my glasses on, and since I have three cats, sometimes they have thrown up in the night and I step in it. But since I have started with the newts, now I always have to think, Oh, I hope that slimy thing that just squished under my foot wasn't an escaped newt!!

The way I can tell it is cate regurge and not newt is that cat regurge squished between the toes. It is one of the most grotesque feelings on the planet.
Well, I haven't managed to step on a newt yet but I've stepped on lots of cat puke. It's not much of a gross-out for me anymore.
You don't think a newt would squish between the toes?

(remember, we're trying to wreak havoc while John is gone)
I was hoping you'd think my joke stunk. (get it? get it? "reek"! Oh, I can be so annoying!)
In my thankfully limited experience of accidentally stepping on amphibians they tend to pop and flatten :uhoh:.

I’ve got my eye on you two. Any reek of havoc and I’m setting Ed on the pair of you :D.
Haha:D Your joke isn't dumb Dawn, afterall I was the one who spelled wreaking havoc wrong in the first place. Come one Mark I was going to hae fun! Hehe,:rofl: I think its so funny how the caudata community gets along. You got to love it!:p
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