A few question about set up...


New member
May 17, 2007
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United States
This is sort of a dumb question, but I've never used sand in an aquatic tank before. When you are cleaning food etc out of a tank with a siphon, how do you keep from sucking up all your sand? Is there a way to easily clean the sand and put it back in?

Another question: I just bought a chiller to control temperatures. When I am doing water changes, how much fluctuation in temp is ok? I wont be able to get the tap water to the same temp as the tank because it wont have the chiller.

Also, how do I tell if there is too much turbulence in the water? I know this isnt good for axies, but I have to pump water in and out to use the chiller, and this will create more flow than is probably ideal.
Kia Ora Awky,

I'm a teacher so to me there is no such thing as a dumb question though I deal with them on a daily basis. Yours definately doesn't fall into this category.

Gravel cleaners that suck the gravel into the siphon and return to the tank will do the same to a lesser extent to sand. Kapo suggested to me a Turkey baster. It works a treat.

No fluctuation is of course ideal. We have things in New Zealand called chilly bins, aussies call them eskys and I think americans call them coolers, anyway they are plastic picnic bins that are insulated to keep food chilled.

You could try setting one up with some water add some ice or chilly packs and use this as a cold water reserve to do your partial water changes. This may give you more control over the water temp.

I had the same question about turbulence and was given this advise. buy or make an adapter for the outflow from your filter so it spreads the water across the top of the water rather han down into it.

Both my axie at times will sit beneath the out flow into their tanks and it doesn't seem to bother them. I mean its their choice to be there and there are plenty of places in the tanks they could go to avoid it if it was a stressor so go figure.

Good Luck

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