Just a couple of pics of my axies I've taken over the last few weeks that made me giggle.
steve smiling on the left and gary on the right and alan's rear end just out of picture.
then steve went up for a gulp of air and came pinballing back through the other two.
alan after swimming around at the surface. she got a bit of duckweed caught in her gills. she looks rather tropical don't you think?
and even though its a bad photo, it's still funny. steve posing, wedged up against the glass.
steve smiling on the left and gary on the right and alan's rear end just out of picture.
then steve went up for a gulp of air and came pinballing back through the other two.
alan after swimming around at the surface. she got a bit of duckweed caught in her gills. she looks rather tropical don't you think?
and even though its a bad photo, it's still funny. steve posing, wedged up against the glass.