Question: 75 Gallon Axie tank - New owner


New member
Mar 27, 2012
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United States
Hi folks.... I am very new to Axies, have not purchased them yet but plan to. I am not new at all to aquariums however.

I have a cycled 75 gallon tank in my grooming shop that I would like to house some axies in. Currently, it is bare bottomed and has power compact lighting. I will switch the power compacts to another tank and get softer lighting for the axies. I'm not a fan of sand however, and was wondering how they do on a bare bottom tank? There are some very very large rocks for decor in the tank at the moment, so they would have various surfaces to rest on if they wished. Any advice or comments on bare bottom tanks with large rocks to break up the flat surface? Or if I did do sand, I would do a very very thin bed of it.

The tank runs a cascade canister filter, and I will be keeping that in there and just adjusting the flow. There are glass canopies on top so they cannot jump out.

How much would you fill this tank? And how many adult axies would be comfortable in a 75 gallon?

Thank you :)

Fill the tank a minimum of 6in (to cover the axis) any more than that is to your pleasure!!!

a good rule of thumb for how many axis to put into a tank: one axi per 1sqr foot of floor space, or 1 axi per 10 gallon.
it depends on who you ask lol

but i would put 3 or 4 to start with and once they are full grown then i would look at how comfortable they are before i would add more.

the glass canopies work fine, just as any "cover" does, but if you use a reptile lid (its more of a cage lid thing) will help with evaporation and therefore keeping your water cool!

hope that helps!!!
Barebottom tanks are just fine and much easier to maintain. Just make sure to have enough hides for all the axolotls.
Oh I hadn't thought about that re: the lid...I do have a reptile cover of that size so I will use that, thanks you guys!
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