Question: 4x2x2 tank...what now?


New member
Jan 21, 2012
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United Kingdom
Hey, so excited; I went and collected my new axie tank today and it is a beaut. It's enormous and has an antique style pine stand. The only problem is that I've never aquascaped anything before, nevermind something of these proportions.
My two juvies are in a small 24l now (don't worry, they are still very small) but growing at such a quick rate and I want to have it all ready for my little guys before things get squishy. :eek:
Why so big, you may ask. I guess I just thought I want to begin how I mean to go on and I envisage, possibly, more axies in the future. Just out of interest, how many axies could live comfortably in a tank this size? I believe it's capacity is around the 90 gallon mark/330 litres, give or take a couple.
Anyway, I have read a LOT about other people's tanks and looked at the gallerys but everyone seems to prefer different features so it's really hard to decide what to do. So my question is, what would you personally do with my tank? :confused:Anything from substrate to decor, plants to filter.
Looking forward to your replies :eek:

And I will be adding pictures, but not right now, tank is being stored in the shed atm and it's snowy and cold and dark. :happy:
I have a couple of 4ft tanks, one is sitting empty waiting for a good clean and redo ready for my babies as they grow. I have external filters for both, a fluval and eheim (really old but still works well) I have sand, that is a sort of grey colour as its a mix of black and silver sand. Washed dried and ready to be rinsed and re used. Plants wise I kinda only have an Anubis and java fern that's doing quite well and some java moss that never seems to die no matter how dark. Unfortunately my watercress did really pants in the tank that's still running, and elodea always dies on me, so I'm hoping to try and source hornwort and wisteria (going on recs from others posts) and will give them a shot.
You could say my tanks kinda look like the bottom of the local canal (although I haven't found a minuture shopping trolley in there yet:rolleyes:) I have tree stumps rock work caves, plant pots a plastic breaking hatchery (it's on it's side on the bottom and they seem to love it. Go figure) and propped against it is some bogwood with the java fern attached. That makes another hide hole. Oh and I have a fake hollow log.

So my other tank so far has some PVC pipe waiting to go in and a plastic plant pot.
I think my lotls are from the bad end of town, as it sure ain't the ritz :D

But then I'm going to impose the preference of them being eclectic, rather than me being cheep :p. If I could make one and money would be no object. It would probably still look like the bottom of the local canal,

The only way my post has probably helped is by you going, he'll no my tank will have taste. :D:D:D lol
Yeah, I have heard a lot of good things about fluval filters. My filter is tiny (came with my miniature tank) and I'm not really sure if it will do the job....I was thinking maybe having a couple of air stones either way for my axies to "exfoliate" lol.
Haha, grey sand might be a good plan for me. I really like that black moon sand except my wild (Darwin) would disapear on it, but any light sand would make it harder to find my white albino :( I was definately thinking of Java fern/moss and anubis. I am rubbish at gardening and haven't any experience in aquatic plants. I think I might throw in a couple of Marimo moss balls too.

Haha, hopefully it doesn't look like the bottom of the canal near me. But I like the idea of using plant pots and lots of hides. The hatchery too sounds like a good idea.
Haha, I think I could rock this 'canal urban chic'....inspired
darhling, inspired! :)
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