I have 4 CFBs in a 10 gallon tank, I have plenty of cover for them, a filter which does not disturb them and keeps the water clean. Each one gets plenty of food and I suction out the waste when I see it. They are happy little newts. I am a happy owner, they are doing great.
I though 2 of them were males but I was mistaken. They are all now gravid which makes it easy to tell they are female, their genital lips are now more pronounced. I am certain it is not bloat. I put in even more plants into the tank so they have places to lay their eggs.
Will it be a problem that I have no males? Will they lay eggs without males? What will happen?
Side question: The water conditions are good and I do not think they are stressed. They all spend plenty of time underwater, 2 of them even like to hang out where the current is strongest, near the filter. But at any given time 2 of them will be laying on the rocks which break the surface, the shallowest spots, sometimes all 4, in different spots, I have rocks break the surface in 3 different spots in the tank.
They can easily climb up and be on the surface fully and do on, but only on very rare occasions. My worry is that whenever I look, 2 random ones will be laying just under the surface of the water, sometimes with their heads out, usually not. I set up the tank so that there is only the gentlest current in that part of the tank-should I be at all worried about this behavior?
I though 2 of them were males but I was mistaken. They are all now gravid which makes it easy to tell they are female, their genital lips are now more pronounced. I am certain it is not bloat. I put in even more plants into the tank so they have places to lay their eggs.
Will it be a problem that I have no males? Will they lay eggs without males? What will happen?
Side question: The water conditions are good and I do not think they are stressed. They all spend plenty of time underwater, 2 of them even like to hang out where the current is strongest, near the filter. But at any given time 2 of them will be laying on the rocks which break the surface, the shallowest spots, sometimes all 4, in different spots, I have rocks break the surface in 3 different spots in the tank.
They can easily climb up and be on the surface fully and do on, but only on very rare occasions. My worry is that whenever I look, 2 random ones will be laying just under the surface of the water, sometimes with their heads out, usually not. I set up the tank so that there is only the gentlest current in that part of the tank-should I be at all worried about this behavior?