Question: 36 gallon bow front, how many happy axies?


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Jul 24, 2010
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United States
I had a 26 gallon bow but was given my mothers unused 36 gallon bow - (she upgraded to a 72 g after seeming my ACF colony.

can this house 3 axies happily?

Am in the process of moving so my one axie has been moved into a 10 gallon temporary tank in front of the AC while we get the new house set up - - am trying the 36 gallon out in a couple rooms to see which can maintain the coolest settings.

the dimensions are 30x15x21.
I'd say that's plenty of room for 3 axies xD
some people go by the 10 gallon per axie rule, but im Australian we use litres so i just googled it and that's like 136 litres, over here on average a 2ft tank holds 55 litres and that hold one axie, for 2 axies you need a 3ft so like 80 litres for 3, so if you have 136, then that's enough for 3 happy axies :D good luck!
Yup, the general rules are:
1. Can they swim around, turn around easily, go up for air, have plenty of walking area?
2. Can they hide if they get peeved off with someone?
3. Can the filter hold the biological load of the tank and are you comfortable you will be able to do the water changes religiously? (I'd put for this one, that for an axie, you'll need to change a gallon of water out a day...?)

If the answer is yes to all three questions, you're good. Then ask:

4. Can I afford the space for a bigger tank?
5. Can I afford the cash for a bigger tank?

If the answer is yes to 4, then you get a bigger tank (Even if it means a few weeks in a big bucket or a holiday in the fridge whilst you save religiously).

Considering you've got a nice big tank, you're good. Just keep an eye on your water parameters, be religious with your water changes (canister filters are REALLY good in this respect, as are live plants :D )
Thank you guys!

I have a wildtype female and will be looking into getting one or two more for her.

Seeing how much she interacts with her tank and me, I feel that one is lonely for an obviously intelligent and inquisitive little creature.

I was interested in a golden albino and an "olive" toned one if possible....

There are no local pet stores that sell axololts in RI, South eastern Mass or Eastern CT... so I am stuck with ordering again through the mail. I have been trying to keep my eyes open on the sales section here but most seem to be only eggs or local pickup/delivery only. I do not want to try my hands at eggs yet but obviously cannot drive to to the middle of the country to get one either.

Any recommendations? Have been stalking Craigslist for a good month and the results are zero for any axolotls.
I keep and breed African Clawed Frogs Xenopus Laevis, and am quite familiar with the keeping of messy aquatic amphibians.

Yup, the general rules are:
1. Can they swim around, turn around easily, go up for air, have plenty of walking area? yes
2. Can they hide if they get peeved off with someone? yes
3. Can the filter hold the biological load of the tank and are you comfortable you will be able to do the water changes religiously? (I'd put for this one, that for an axie, you'll need to change a gallon of water out a day...?) yes and yes

If the answer is yes to all three questions, you're good. Then ask:

4. Can I afford the space for a bigger tank? not at the moment
5. Can I afford the cash for a bigger tank? not at the moment - we just moved into a house and are trying to get settled in. Down the road I may upgrade the tank but for now this is what I do have access to so I wanted to make sure it would be suitable before jumping the gun and buying axies

If the answer is yes to 4, then you get a bigger tank (Even if it means a few weeks in a big bucket or a holiday in the fridge whilst you save religiously).

Considering you've got a nice big tank, you're good. Just keep an eye on your water parameters, be religious with your water changes (canister filters are REALLY good in this respect, as are live plants :D )

Thank you for your response!!!
I am looking to get the new axie(S) around mid-late Sept and early-mid Oct
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