3 Adult Dicamptodon in 3 Days


New member
Feb 3, 2011
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United States
I just wanted to notify everyone that I found 3 adult Dicamptodon tenebrosus in Humboldt County, CA in 3 days. With the amount that I've found over the past 5 yrs. (2), this seems very significant.

Any pictures? Were they neotenic/paedomorphic? People say that Dicamptodon tenebrosus can be 1ft in length or more, but I've never seen a picture of one being measured.
Great find,my herping partner found 1 on a hillside while herping in northern CA years ago.It was huge and very cool.We also saw one in an open log but it was too far inside to catch.The neotonic ones are easier to find especially the babies.
Thats a pretty amazing streak. I usually only find one or two adults a year, almost always in springtime.

Jaymes, they get quite big. Largest I've ever found was 13" under the woodpile at my father's house in Sonoma County. Most I find are 8-11".
Unfortunately, I cannot find the pictures immediately, but I do have pictures of 2 of the 3 animals. One specimen was found under a piece of large bark, and within 5 seconds, ran with lightning speed into a hole. All of the specimens found were true, terrestrial adults. All were found north of Eureka.

Biggest I've found was ~ 21cm. Would love to one day find a 1 footer!

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