20 gallon


Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Quick update. I bought a 20 gl long aquarium for my 2 CFBN . How can i cycle the tank faster ? I have taken a few plants and some decor from the 10 gallon i set up about a month ago along with a marimo ball i bough today at my LFS . The newts are doing great. Eating. Active and aquatic. I just want to give them more room and i might get another in the future.. I have a Firebellytoad tank that had been set up for a few months now. It also has some guppies. Can i use the filter from that tank to seed the 20 gallon ? Thanks in advanced !

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If you want to cycle it faster, get a filter cartridge or décor from an already cycled tank
Exactly but can i use the one from my Firebelly toads without posing a risk to the newts?

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I suggest to just get a new one. You probably don't know if the fire-bellies secreted toxins into the water, so I would just start from scratch and be on the safe side
I don't think I would use anything from the Fire bellied toad tank. Its thought that being housed with those toads specifically as well as Clawed frogs in petstores is one of the causes of mortality for the newts not long after purchase. I can see why you want to do it though, it speeds up the cycle no end.
I can't say it's 100% safe, or that its the best way, but I normally add lots of live plants from a mature fish tank or straight from the plant display at the petstore if I have to buy them. Live plants will remove a certain amount of raw ammonia from the water which helps at the beginning and their high surface area will contain a starter culture of bio film to help kick start the cycle. I've used the plant method many times over the years with amphibians as well as fish without any issues at all. Hope this helps. :)
Thank You ChinaDog. Yea i took the advice, i was thinking so myself but just wanted to ask more experienced people. I actually just came back from the pet store and purchase some API. Its been about a hour since i added it. I treated the water yesterday with REPTISAFE and i added some plants and decor from the newts 10 gallon to the 20 as you suggested. I also cleaned the sand thoroughly last night. Do you guys think itll be a safe bet to transfer all live plants from the 10 gallon , sand & decore and add the newts to the 20 now that i have treated, filtered and added API QUICK START ? Im pushing for the transfer of tanks so as to help with the high temp issues in the 10 gallon. What are your opinions. I do have some test strips i can use to test but limited test strips until i can get more. Thanks in advance !

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Heres some pics
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Heres two filters in the Firebellytoad tank.<br />
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Here you can see some of the 10 gallon decor and plants gone ( now in 20 )



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