20 fire belly habitat "Newt England"



i am new to this site and just wanted to show you guys my setup. Before and after. Before they were in a ten gallon and i just thought that it was too small so i upgraded to a 20 and changed a few things. The "land" area is a turtle log from zoo med that they absolutely love to play in on and around. Let me know what you guys think.New setup
old setup
side view
Great looking set up! New set up is definitely an improvement.
i like the set-up, about what are the demensions of the turtle log(length, width, hight) ive been thinking of replacing my dock with one
the turtle log comes in small medium and large the one i have is a small and the box says 7 inches but i think it is just under7 it is perfect
is that a cat fish you have in there?
If the first picture is actual view of the aquarium, IMO you should change ground in this tank - pink looks very, very bad.
I think the old setup was better.
Gosh, you are rude person above. Although the pink is bright, I like it. Its brighter and more inviting, the new one is great! I love the land area.
Yeah quite rude :angry:, I happen to like pink. Gives the tank more of a lighter and interesting (exotic) look. I'm so used to natural gravel in my tank that maybe colored stuff would be cool:rolleyes:.
I think "rude" word is offence to me. I just said my opinion, you shouldn't be so angry only because of it.
I don't like those "plastic tanks" with toys as hide places, pink ground and plants in baskets. They are too unnatural for me. Did you see ever pink sand or gravel in some "exotic" places?
If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it. Easy as that.
Sorry, if I don't understood, "here you can say only possitive opinions"? On other forums where I am topics like that are for hear ALL opinions, to see what other users propose to change in tank. Here are only posts like "amazing tank". I don't see any sens with that...
Pssst....the first message was what was your opinion of the set up..and Yahilles gave it, a little bluntly perhaps but it was his opinion. I like the floating log set up a lot and may pinch the idea for my axolotls, so thanks!
Sure you are able to give negative (not too negative) opinions, but you dont need to say "pink looks very, very bad" all you had to say was "nice tank, but the gravel might look better as a natural color." Maybe this person likes pink gravel, after all it's their tank! Or you could've have pointed out any of the positive features of this person's tank instead of negative ones. 'Cause I know I love it when poeple have something nice to say about my pictures.
My apologise, I am not best in english yet :D In moment i haven't found better word for this pink gravel...
Pssst....the first message was what was your opinion of the set up..and Yahilles gave it, a little bluntly perhaps but it was his opinion. I like the floating log set up a lot and may pinch the idea for my axolotls, so thanks!
Sorry, but i haven't said ANYTHING about land area, so what is the problem? IMO log looks good :)
The pink stones give it an exotic look- yes- ok- you dont get pink stones but it looks exoticish...lol. Why dont you try and point out something nice, and gently tell them- if i were you I would have said.

The tank looks good, nice and bright, good land area and nice plants ext, although i feel that the stones are un-natrual and dont add to the look...
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