I've had 4 fire belly newts in a 10 gallon tank for what I think must be 8 or 9 months at this point. I have a tank with some gravel(much too large for them to eat), places to hide, rocks sticking out of the water so they can be fully out of the water if they want to. I have filter and I change the water once a week. The filter does make a weak current, working on fixing that.
They were wild caught, but i'm pleased to say they have not had any health problems. All of them are female as best as I can tell. They stayed on the small land parts when I first got them but all gradually became almost fully aquatic.
For the last month, one of them has been spending a fair bit of time on the rocks. It might spend a day or more there without moving much at all. I feed my newts every second or third day, cut up earthworms. She goes between periods of staying on the land and going in the water, the others stay in water almost all the time, they almost never leave.
Should I be at all worried at the one who leaves the water sometimes?
I removed my newts from the tank today to change the filter and thoroughly clean the tank. I put them in a small bowl. When I went to put them back, I noticed there was red waste in the bowl. I do not know which newt made the waste, except for the one who leaves the water, the others have no health problems or odd behavior, though one of the newts did not seem hungry when I fed them all yesterday. I've seen red waste in the tank before, but only on occasion.
Should I be at all worried about that? What could cause the waste to be red, besides blood? I do not feed my newts bloodworms, I only feed them earthworms.
They were wild caught, but i'm pleased to say they have not had any health problems. All of them are female as best as I can tell. They stayed on the small land parts when I first got them but all gradually became almost fully aquatic.
For the last month, one of them has been spending a fair bit of time on the rocks. It might spend a day or more there without moving much at all. I feed my newts every second or third day, cut up earthworms. She goes between periods of staying on the land and going in the water, the others stay in water almost all the time, they almost never leave.
Should I be at all worried at the one who leaves the water sometimes?
I removed my newts from the tank today to change the filter and thoroughly clean the tank. I put them in a small bowl. When I went to put them back, I noticed there was red waste in the bowl. I do not know which newt made the waste, except for the one who leaves the water, the others have no health problems or odd behavior, though one of the newts did not seem hungry when I fed them all yesterday. I've seen red waste in the tank before, but only on occasion.
Should I be at all worried about that? What could cause the waste to be red, besides blood? I do not feed my newts bloodworms, I only feed them earthworms.